Slow Times

Not much going on right now, just work and school. The weather is starting to change and I'm not looking forward to it. I hate the cold. I'm an island boy, whaddaya want? 90 degree winters are what I like. Sure snow looks good every now and then but it's c-c-c-cold.
School is school and work is work. Occasionally something interesting will happen, like these three dudes who were shoplifting and forgot that there were cameras in the ceiling. That was funny. They leave the store and then are escorted back in two seconds later by a cop and our AP guys (Assets Protection). They had that look on their faces , the one were you can tell that they really screwed up. Sweet.
Anyway I'm pretty bored nowadays. Very few friends to occupy my time, which I guess is good for schoolwork. I had a friend tell me to buy something for her at my job a couple weeks ago and I still haven't gotten a call about that or anything else, for that matter. One of those people who are either busy all the time or just making excuses, you've all known people like that, I'm sure. I actually had some "friends" from work over for the Bears game this past Sunday. I put that in quotes because most of the people I talk to at work I wouldn't consider true friends. I see them all the time, yeah but I never interact with them anywhere else but work. At least my Bears are doing good. That's about the only thing providing a break in the monotony. It helps that they're kicking ass, too. Hope it continues. Well that's it for now. Update concluded.
Ha ! "Friends" - I know what you mean
So no one told you life was gonna be this way
Your job's a joke
You're broke
Your lovelife's DOA
It's like you're always stuck in second gear
and it hasn't been your day, your week, your month
or even your year, but
I'll be there for you
when the rain starts to pour
I'll be there for you
like I've been there before
I'll be there for you
'cause you're there for me too...
This is why I use the term acquaintance and not "friend" because that is really what they are, poeple you know. Yeah, I could not believe that bear score the other week. Quite impressive.
Some people only call when they want something...otherwise you just never hear from them. I had a post on these poeple. These "What can this guy do for me" people.
I must have no true friends then... *sniffle*
Damn, I wish you guys lived here, that would be cool to have some fam here, and the temp is good too.
I would move there, but... you know...
Now, I'm not really that horrible, fellow friends of Dave. I hope you don't think of me as an aquaintance. I will contact you. Thanks for keeping my stuff. Only a bit longer and I'll gather. -Mal
Yeah it's true. She's not horrible, she's cool. And boy can she gather. She's a gatherer, that one.
You must have never thought about adding me to your list o links..
Mike, there is no reason, ever, to move to Florida....I mean...old people, tourists, and let us not forget that global warming will flood "americas wang". Let us not forget the whole voting/bush fiasco. Freaking Red State.
I, for one, enjoy living in the Phallus of the most powerful nation on the planet, which is presided over by a man. And we all know where the center of thought is derived in a um we pretty much run things down here.
Florida looks like it is taking a piss on Cuba
Powerful? ha. This nation is dangerously close to destroying itself.
"Nowhere is it written that the US empire will last forever."
Presided by a man...I wonder if a woman would not make a better leader?
Really? Destroying itself? Wow, you are depressing.
In the immortal words of Penelope Cruz, "Open your eyes."
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