Tuesday, July 18, 2006

The First Act of Aggression

I'm declaring war on my brother's blog. He's in the links section under DanBro. As my first act of agression, I'm going to hijack one of his posts.

"Look, Radiohead is nothing special. They are doing nothing that is "revolutionary". They are a band that is popular with people with no musical talent or experience whatsoever. I have concluded that they, in fact, Suck.

Maybe I just "Don't get it", in fact, I will admit that I don't get it. They are an all hype bullshite band. They only way I can figure that they are so well liked is that some "cool" guy said, "They are so progressive and so innovative!" Ignorant little poseurs just went along with some fool and no one wants to say that they suck, it is like a mass hallucination to save face. Imagine someone tells you that it is cool to wear pink shirts, so you wear a pink shirt. Then the people say it is cool to wear the collar popped, so you wear the collar popped. Then they say, radiohead is the best band in the world, so you say they are the best band in the world. It is the band for the ultimate sheep.

Ok, rant over."

And that concludes my first act of aggression. Whatchoo gonna do, Dan? Bring it. Come on. Do it.......do it. Whatcha got?


At 1:42 PM, Blogger Antonio said...

Hey, Radiohead kicks Pearl Jam's ASS!!!

At 8:02 PM, Blogger Josue' said...

Moral of the story: Go'on brush your shoulders off...and ever since I can remember I been pop'n my collar....:p

And...oh yeah, I can deal with Radiohead...

At 9:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who has more talent ? John Tesh or Kenny G ?

At 10:02 AM, Blogger The D said...

I stand by everything I said. Are you so unoriginal that you have to make your posts about my posts? Your life looking mighty sad from this side of the monitor.^_^! Go back to playing fake guitar.

At 11:24 AM, Blogger Dave said...

Weak. I would've expected more retaliation from you.

At 11:31 PM, Blogger phun N gab and the Gay Circus Elves said...

You still working at Target ?

At 11:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ya, whateva

At 6:04 PM, Blogger The D said...

What happened to the Bush Post?

At 5:40 AM, Blogger Antonio said...

To the d:

Here is the Bush post:
He's on television right now practically gloating about how he vetoed the stem cell research bill. What a moron. Talking about morality issues. I can't believe he has the audacity to lecture to the people about morality. Killing women and children are ok, but let's leave that little bundle of cells alone, shall we? He kills in the name of freedom; how bout trying to improve the quality of life for people for a change? How do people like JFK get assasinated and people like Bush are left alone to do whatever their uninformed minds tell them to? I can't wait for his term to be over, a donkey would be better than his dumb ass.

Ok that's all I'm gonna say about politics for now. Usually I try to leave that subject alone but this irritated me.


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