People Suck

So how may of you reading this would go to a store with your kids (if you have any, if not then speculate) and watch your kid intentionally spill a drink on the floor and then sit there and wait till an employee came by, point at the spill, say you're sorry, then walk away? If you're like me then you would take some responsibility for your child. Help the employee clean up the mess. Offer, at least. You have no idea how many people down here don't give a shit. Am I not in the bible belt? Where's the "southern hospitality"?
Most people suck no matter where you are. Don't believe anyone when they tell you that people from so and so are the nicest people you've ever met and that they'll do anything for you. I got news for you. Show up at these people's houses and start banging on the door shouting that "they're out to get you" and see how many of them open up. Zilch, baby. That's right.
A joke for you that I made up:
I like my women like I like my presidents....southern and stupid.
YEAH!!! I dare you to read all my posts and tell me I couldn't write at least 50% of the sitcoms that are on TV right now. Take a look at that pic up top. That's comedy gold!
me luv u long time, me sake' sake'!
soju ?
Holy quad mirror-post Batman!!! I know it's the weeHours of the a.m., but control thyself you SAKE SUCKA! :p
I hear you on people not caring...They are just self-absorbed pieces of mierda who look to blame someone else for something...
..oh, and your pic is truly HIGH ART. :)
stupid blogger, it never told me my post had gone thru. Time to fix
Ok I've decided to leave one duplicate because people commented on it. Also because they thought I did it on purpose and that it was some kind of statement. I am a genius. are genius. My pants is wet.
Oh, and You post almost as much as Bush holds press conferences! Hehe!
Good one D
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