On a more serious note......

So at the beginning of May I got really sick, some kind of virus, never figured out what it was. I went to the university health center where the doctor gave me some penicillin. I had a reaction to it, didn't know I was allergic, so they switched me to something called ketek. This was a weird virus, too, I felt like absolute dung. Worst I've ever felt while sick. Two weeks later I was better, however, some of my nymph nodes swelled up and one in particular didn't go down. Right underneath my jaw on my right hand side. I'm pointing to it in the pic. I went to the doctor two weeks ago and he recommended me to an ear, nose and throat guy. I went to him and he scheduled some tests which I took last Friday.
So the tests I was scheduled for were a CT scan and a needle biopsy. I showed up and they took me to do the ct scan first. The setup looked like a table with a giant donut at one end. You lie on the table and it's pushed through the donut, which is making this horrible electronic throbbing noise. They injected me with a dye, which was weird. The tech told me I'd feel warm all over. When the stuff got injected I felt a hot sensation spread over my entire body. I thought to myself, "This must be what heroin feels like." It was weird, but not entirely uncomfortable. Then they put me in another room with the same setup to do the biopsy. It was supposed to be ct-guided. So they put me on the table and put this blue drape over my face, which I had on for the next 45 minutes or so, it sucked. They numbed up the area and started to jab a needle into my neck...repeatedly. I couldn't feel anything, though, which was fantastic, cause the doc was stabbing me like I was a block of ice and drinks were needed. So after this they told me they needed another sample, so this time they used some sort of gun. All I heard was a pop cause I was still under the drape. Thankfully they got what they needed and I was outta there.
I find out the results sometime next week. Hopefully it won't be anything too serious. The waiting sucks, though. I'll let everyone know when I know.
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I think I've seen this before.
that sux, get well
I'm waiting for the doc to put a needle in my spine
Man...that is no good. Do you have wounds that do not heal as fast as they used to? When you are cut, do you bleed more then usual?
Will this experience make you interested in trying H?
Let's hope the results are ok.
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