
So far no free money. Maybe I should play the lottery. In other news, many Mexicans have come into my work recently and asked if they could buy the movie "Cars". You know, the same one that's in theatres? The same one that'll be out on DVD in months? No one else has asked me that but Mexicans. I'm guessing they've been doing that at every store in town. I hope it's due to some language issue, because since I'm pretty much Mexican while I'm down here I don't want people to think that I'm stupid. Maybe I should just change my nametag to Pedro. Then you could vote for me. HAHA!!! That was genius.
Maeso = Automatic Mexicano?
When I was there, I had a discussion with a chick who had never heard of Chaldean people when I was discussing some of the ethnic groups in MI....she thought they were people from Canada....
they probably get bootlegs down there
Josue, Brown Skin = Mexican to those philistines.
Dave, that joke was so freaking bad. I hear that Cars has the same exact plot as Doc Hollywood.
Philistines is an excellent analogy. LOL! Love it.....
Yeah I know, Dan it was supposed to be a bad joke. I heard Cars was good. And Doc Hollywood was an awesome movie. Michael J. Ali didn't make a bad movie in the 80's.
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